Tips For Finding The Third Person In A Threesome

How did you manage this? Do you even know how you pulled off this monumental feat? Some how you have managed to talk your significant other into a threesome. You never thought it would happen. Never in your wildest dreams did you believe that she would go for it no matter what you said. In fact, there are a million reasons you thought she would give her for never even considering it. Despite all that. Despite the odds being against you, you have tempted fate and gotten a yes to the threesome question every married man eventually asks. So now what? Now you have to find a third person for your threesome. (There is an app for that!) There are a few things to keep in mind to help you on the way.

Swingers Clubs Can Help You Find the Third Person in Your Threesome

Going to a swinger’s club is a lot of fun no matter what you’re looking for. There are sex parties galore as well as more calm get togethers designed to help ease anxiety. Even if you aren’t looking for sex there is plenty to check out. It is obviously a great place to find the third person for your threesome because everywhere you look someone is interested in having sex with you. And your wife.

The Internet

What can’t you find on the Internet? There is precious little anyone could ask for that cannot be found somewhere online and that includes finding a third person for your threesome. There are obvious places like swinger’s websites and message boards where you can find such people. There are also less obvious places like plain old Facebook. If you find the right group of people, you can find what you want no matter where you are.

Ask that Hot Chick Your Wife Works With

Go ahead. Your wife will already have the vibe on whether or not that hot chick she works with would be down to join the two of you for some threesome excitement. If not, keep your eyes peeled. It isn’t as uncommon as one would think to find a third person for your threesome right in your own backyard. The key is being open to asking people you normally wouldn’t. It may seem hard at first but go ahead and take a chance. You will probably be quite surprised.

Be Patient

Just because your wife finally said yes, does not mean it has to happen right away. You don have a time limit. There has been no hour glass flipped to measure your attempts in drops of sand. You will have as much time as you need. There is no need to rush into the first situation you come across. Make sure it is a woman that is a perfect fit. Anything less can turn the situation sour and you can’t afford that. If there is any hope of having a repeat performance, you will want to make sure it is as close to perfect as possible.

Concerts, Raves and Festivals

Check out any large outdoor party or festive gathering to find a bisexual female down to party (these girls are lovingly referred to as unicorns). They love these fun-filled, carefree type of situations and many go with intention of finding a couple like you. Bisexual women often seek out couples to engage in threesomes with just as often as couples seek out these unicorns. It is an easy sexual experience for them where they are rather worshipped in a no-strings-attached relationship that takes zero effort.

While there is a learning curve, it isn’t as hard to find someone to be the third person in a threesome as one may think it is. It does take some time and effort, but once you get the swing of things and learn all the little nuances, it comes like second nature. The most important piece of advice is to take your time and have patience. Let things happen naturally and take things slow. Do not rush into anything simply because you got a yes. Make sure you and your wife have a clear understanding of what you want from the experience and what is acceptable behavior from the both of you. Without those small agreements, this whole experience can blow up in your face.