#7 Foolproof First Date Tactics – Make The Panties Hit The Floor

Many guys experience defeat in their quest for casual sex online because they assume that once the date is made they’re going to get laid. Making contact, impressing her, building a bit of a relationship, and finally setting up the date are all important, but if you blow the date you’ll never get laid. That’s why your choice of a date location and/or activity is exceptionally important. If you make a mistake then she’s going home or hanging out with her girlfriends for the night. If you get it right she’ll be swept off her feet and right into your bedroom (or hers) for a night of fantastic casual sex.

The best sex dating site in the world can’t save a guy that thinks inviting a girl to his place for their first date is a good idea. That makes the girl feel both unsafe and creeped out, which is a gruesome combo for any man looking to dip his wick. Bad choices also include the movies, a strip club, a noisy and crowded bar, a noisy dance club, etc. You get the idea, right? Anywhere exceptionally loud or crowded is a bad choice, as is anywhere outright misogynistic, like a strip club.

A restaurant isn’t necessarily a bad choice but it’s fraught with danger. There’s a chance, depending on the restaurant, that you’ll be saddled with an impressively large bill you don’t want to pay. If you have sex it’s probably worth it, but if she decides halfway through she’s not interested then you’re out of luck. She might order more expensive wine and dessert just to stick it to you for disappointing her, which would be the worst possible outcome.

Your best bet is somewhere quiet and intimate that offers drinks. A quiet bar or lounge are great choices and in almost every city or town you can find one. If either you or she doesn’t drink then you can find a quiet coffee house for any number of delicious drinks you can share together. The nicer the place you take her the better. If you take her to a dive you’re making it perfectly clear what you think of her (not much, in other words) and chances are good her self esteem will kick in and she’ll realize that she deserves a guy that thinks more highly of her, even if it’s just for a night of great sex.

You should always dress to impress. If you look good it shows you’re making an effort and of course, you’re more attractive. Take her to a nice place and you tell her that she’s worth it, which feels good to every woman. Get a drink or two (never more than a couple since you don’t want to be drunk), pay for everything, and if the vibe feels good then invite her back to your place for something other than sex. Most women, even when they’re in the mood for a one night stand with great casual sex, don’t want to feel like sluts. Invite her back to listen to a new album, check out pictures, etc, and she’ll happily go knowing full well that you’ll soon be having sex.

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