There will never be a shortage of men looking to date. That is a simple fact of life. As long as there are people on Earth, there will be men looking for a date. The business world will continually try to capitalize on that. Sex sells, after all. Every year more and more sex sites appear on the Internet and that’s no coincidence. More are appearing on a regular basis because there is a demand for them. They get used, and often. Sex sites and cyber-dating are more socially acceptable than ever before.
As the world progresses and technology along with it, we change. Consider the intention of electricity. Many people refused to get electricity in their homes. They didn’t understand it, couldn’t figure out how light emitted from a glass tube and that scared them. No way could it be safe. Those that did consent to having it in their home often opted out of installing it in their bedrooms. As years progressed, electricity became more and more prevalent until it was looked at as a necessity. If you don’t have electricity now, you’re considered to be living in poverty or at the very least you’re a weirdo.
We can also take a look at women in the workplace and homosexuality. Both things that used to make you a social pariah. In days gone by, women simply did not work outside the home unless they had no man to take care of them or were just starving. A woman’s place was in the home, raising the children and tending to the home. Today, women are in every field of work men are. It’s a normal part of life. The same goes for homosexuality. There was once a day when people dared not even whisper about feeling homosexual feelings. It could lead to a beating or even murder. People did not understand homosexuality and religious zealots often persecute gays for not conforming to what they believe is right. The progression of time changed many things for homosexuals as well.
As the world changes and grows, so do people. As we learn about the world around us, our thoughts and beliefs change and therefore so does society. Sex sites have become more socially acceptable than ever before because more and more of the population are taking part in them. It’s hard not to be socially acceptable by society when a large portion of society is taking part in said activity. In previous decades, people who were tattooed were looked upon as deviant, especially women. Tattooed women were actually gawked at in freak shows and dismissed as practically deformed. Now, tattoos on men or women are an everyday thing. What once was socially unacceptable, is no longer. Like tattoos, women in the workplace and homosexuality, sex sites are becoming more socially acceptable.
So why are people taking part in this phenomenon? The biggest reasons are loneliness and simplicity. Sex sites are a heck of a lot less stressful than turning up at the club and hoping you look desirable to someone. Using a sex site is as simple as setting up an account and waiting for the results. As busy and populated as the world today is, people can still end up lonely and isolated. What starts out as just keeping to yourself can suddenly turn into years of seclusion. Sex sites and online dating make it much easier for chronically shy people and those who hate the club scene to find a casual sex partner or even a girlfriend. They aren’t the only ones who’ve noticed either. Who doesn’t like simple? Its true many dating sites use tons of questions and detailed profiles but even that being the case, it’s a sight easier than trying it the old fashioned way.
It also fits into people’s lives much easier than traditional dating. You can use your phone to pop into a sex site and see what’s new and if you have any messages. You can see a larger amount of available women on a sex site than in any bar or lounge. For many people, conversation flows smoother and feels more spontaneous when the buffer of the Internet is between them and no face-to-face meeting is required.
Sex sites are becoming more socially acceptable because it fits into the lives of society so well. The Internet and all that goes with it is part of our daily lives now. The atrocities that happen around the world everyday also have a small part in this phenomenon. In a way, the world has become deadened. The act of using a sex site doesn’t seem so bad in the same world as terrorism, murder and deceit. Maybe, just maybe, society is growing up.