10 Step Method To Pick-Up Chicks

What To Do If  She Wants Round 2For pick up artists there’s a very specific set of steps to follow to ensure you get the girl you want and they go a little something like this.

Step 1 – When you spot the girl you want approach her and her group of friends immediately. Don’t wait around to try and catch her eye or throw her a few flirty smiles. Don’t send drinks over. Approach immediately and greet everyone with a smile.

Step 2 – When you meet the group you should largely ignore your target girl. Instead, concentrate on everyone else. Your goal is to charm everyone and have them all pay attention to you, thereby making you more attractive to the girl because she can’t resist the fact that you have everyone’s attention.

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Step 3 – Part of the pick up artist’s repertoire is negging, which is when you point out something slightly negative about the girl but do so in a friendly kind of way. It’s a difficult thing to master. Something like this ìIt’s so cute that your eyebrows are unevenî is an example of negging. It sounds like a compliment but you’re taking her down a peg, which is key to picking up a woman, particularly one that’s hot.

Step 4 – You need to charm the group with your personality. That can involve just about anything. A witty story or two will do the trick. You can perform magic tricks or, if the situation is right, pull out a set of carefully selected photos that succinctly demonstrate the personality you want to share with the group. It might sound challenging but in truth, it’s fairly easy to pull off.

Step 5 – Find out if your target is with someone. Ask how the folks in the group know each other or if any of them are together. If your target is in a relationship with one of the guys you can take off. If not you can press on.

Step 6 – Time for the extraction. Instead of speaking directly to the target you should instead speak to the group and ask if you can pull her aside. ìI’ve been rude to your friend here, would you mind if I talked to her alone for a few minutes?î That usually does the trick and while pretty much everyone knows you’re pulling a move it doesn’t really matter if she agrees, which she almost always will.

Step 7 – As you lead the girl away take hold of her hand and give it a little squeeze. If she squeezes it back then she’s in the mood for things to go a little further. Any reason to take her away is sufficient so feel free to suggest just about anything.

Step 8 – Get her to tell you about herself. This is more than just asking her what her favorite color is, though. It’s about putting her in a position to prove that she’s worthy of spending more time with you. It might sound a little brash but it’s a perfect way to cut through the BS and find out if she’s interested in casual sex. Ask her why she’s someone worth getting to know. If she answers then she’s in the mood.

Step 9 – Let her try and lead the conversation. At some point you should simply stop talking. If she picks up the conversation in any way then she’s eager to play.

Step 10 – Ask her to kiss you. Apropos of nothing ask her if she wants to kiss you. If everything has gone well to this point she will either say yes or simply lean forward and kiss you. Once you’re there the rest is academic.

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