Since Craigslist has come into existence people have used it to find casual sex. And why not? It was useful and effective, two things you look for in any online dating service, but you forgo the fees. In the early days, it was like a casual sex wonderland. It seemed there was every type of person looking for every type of thing. No matter your kink was, you could find a willing and happy participant. In fact, the casual encounters area of Craigslist is just as well-known as the other parts of it. While times have changed slightly, there are still scads of people looking for their dream hookup on an hourly basis. The problem is that it is populated overwhelmingly by men. You have to stand out to the handful of women who actually respond to the ads. The key is to know the few tricks and tips that you must use to find casual sex on Craigslist.
Believe it or not, women do not want to see our dicks. It was a tough pill to swallow but once I did, I started getting more responses to my ads. They do want photos, however. They key to getting a woman to answer your ad is to include a photo. That’s hard. Believe me, I know. But it ups your chances a million degrees. If your nervous about showing your face, try a profile shot or even something from afar, like you throwing a Frisbee or with a group of other people. With all the news about Craigslist violence, it is reassuring to women to see an authentic picture.
If you want a Dominatrix or a submissive, say so. If you are interested in some BDSM, make it known. Just want to cuddle by a campfire? Spell it out in your ad. Saying exactly what you are into allows women the chance at hooking up with something they are really into instead of taking a shot in the dark. More often than not, there will be someone out there looking for exactly the same thing you are. She will be delighted and excited to find someone saying just what she wants to hear.
Responding to a real woman who wants to talk with you about your ad is a tricky situation. You both know the whole thing is about sex but you absolutely cannot sound crude and creepy. She’s looking for a hot, erotic experience. Not something that will give her nightmares for the rest of her life so have a light hearted and cordial attitude about the whole thing. Start off with sentences like, I can’t wait to try this. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. It shows your into the sex but not a weirdo. Never go the pervert route, such as, I can’t wait for you to suck my dick and let me see that cream pie when it’s all over.” The only thing that is going to get you is an empty inbox. Remember to use good grammar and proper punctuation. That kind of thing is important to women.
Protecting yourself on Craigslist is as important for men as it is for women. There have been more than a few news reports about women who lure men to a hotel room just to have them robbed and sometimes worse. Keep your wits about you and be aware of your surroundings. Another thing to remember is to be health safe. Use a condom. Make sure someone else knows where you are when you meet up and make sure it is someone who will come looking for you if you don’t come back. Never bring a lot of cash or any valuables like a laptop. Don’t bring any credit cards or identifying information if you plan to keep your identity a secret. Mostly, just try to have fun and use the experience for what its worth.