There’s plenty of good things about being single. The list is quite extensive if you think about it & having a sex buddy is one of the best parts. You don’t have to have anyone’s approval before making a decision. You are always in charge. You are free to do as you please. One of the very best things about being single is the ability to date more than one person at a time. In this new millennium people have opened up their minds about sex and sexuality than ever before in history. Whole communities exist that revolve around the idea of polyamory, a lifestyle that involves sexual relationships with several people at a time.
With this larger social acceptance of polyamory and the hookup culture of today, it isn’t as hard as you might think to find more than one sex buddy at a time. One important factor is where you live but probably not for the reason you think. You can find more than one sex buddy in a small town or a big city. Read the rules for dating more than one woman at a time. They key is to live in an area that is hip, trendy, open minded and nonjudgmental. Checking out the local night life will give you a great estimate of what kinds of people you’ll be meeting.
This might sound contradictory to what we are discussing, but social media can really louse up a person’s game. Most people use an app or a dating website to find a sex buddy. It’s easy, it’s fast and its incredibly effective. List of best apps to find a sex buddy. So then what? If your goal is to get more than one sex buddy, then you need to be extremely careful with your social media accounts. This is especially true if you are sleeping with multiple people who do not know about each other. You can easily have a slip and end up saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong woman and BAM! Your down one or two sex buddies. Take advantage of features like contact lists and blocking actions. Don’t be an over poster. Sharing to much information can ruin your chances with multiple partners.
While there are a lot of apps that you want to avoid there are some that can be helpful. There are several decoy apps available that appear to be simple sports apps or gardening apps or one of a million other things, when in fact they are actually hookup apps designed to hookup singles together. Someone glancing at your phone will see only a sports game icon or what have you. Some apps hide or disguise your location and disables GPS features. There are many apps that are helpful. It just takes time to research the features.
One of the simplest hacks to getting more than one woman to sleep with you at a time is to not be loquacious. Simply sticking to the facts of your life you can safely share will ensure the wrong piece of information doesn’t slip out. It’s also best to put your personal dating facts out there right away. If you think she might go for it, tell her right away that you date other people and have no intention of stopping. She will probably be into it and doing some of the same herself. You may be surprised by what happens when you are straightforward.
If you know a guy who is living the life, don’t be afraid to ask for advice. Be it a particular woman you want to ask about or more general advice such as how to find a willing sex buddy participant, your fellow man is always a great source of advice. Not only advice, but they can also offer some experiences and people that are new to you. Your friends, co-workers and neighbors offer a plethora of information, if you know what questions to ask. They are the ones you turn to to find out the best clubs, restaurants and party scenes.
Being single is the best time to try new experiences such as many simultaneous love partners. Why not? The only downside is the risk of disease and/or falling in love. Either one can be disastrous for your love life. Take proper safety precautions against sexually transmitted disease. Always use protection. Don’t forget to protect your heart. Falling in love may not be what you really want at this point in your life. This also means to choose sex buddies that you trust and feel a fondness for but no one who you would care if she were sleeping with someone else. If you’re the jealous type, this lifestyle isn’t for you. The most important key to having multiple sex buddies is being able to pull it off. So, get out the Gucci and head out on the town.